HIBES and SSBM Geneva Join Forces to Redefine Business Education: MBA and DBA Programs Now Accessible in Cameroon

NEWS > HIBES and SSBM Geneva Join Forces to Redefine Business Education: MBA and DBA Programs Now Accessible in Cameroon

Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva (SSBM) announces its strategic collaboration with the esteemed Higher Institute of Business and Engineering Sciences (HIBES). This agreement paves the way for a transformative educational experience, combining the excellence of SSBM’s renowned MBA and DBA programs with the dynamic learning environment at HIBES.

Students can now choose to attend classes either online or on the HIBES campus, offering flexibility to suit their individual needs. This unique hybrid learning experience brings together the best of both worlds – SSBM’s globally recognized curriculum and the vibrant academic community at HIBES.

Upon successful completion of the MBA and DBA programs, graduates will receive degrees awarded by the Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva, a hallmark of quality and prestige in the world of business education.

One of the most exciting aspects of this partnership is the opportunity it offers to study in Cameroon and graduate from the renowned city of Geneva, Switzerland. This cross-continental experience allows students to embrace the diversity of cultures, perspectives, and business environments, preparing them for a truly international career.

For more information about these exciting programs and to embark on your journey towards a prestigious MBA or DBA degree, visit the Higher Institute of Business and Engineering Sciences’ official website or contact their admissions office for further details.