Message from the Dean

Welcome to SSBM Geneva!

My name is Mia and I’m the Dean of the Geneva campus.

Our institution is committed to providing a high-quality relevant education that empowers our students to reach their fullest potential.

My primary goal as academic dean will be to support and enhance the quality of our academic programs and research endeavors.

I believe in fostering a collaboration and inclusive learning environment that values diversity, creativity and innovation.

Our faculty members are experts in their fields and provide a rigorous and engaging curriculum that prepares our students for success in their chosen careers.

SSBM Values

Our values are:

  1. Excellence
  2. Diversity
  3. Connectivity
  4. Innovation and
  5. Expertise

Our values and behaviors reflect who we are, what we want to be and how we want to behave to get there.

I’m sure your journey with us will be fulfilling and that we will achieve a positive impact on your learning journey! Mia Alqam Simcox Academic Dean & Head of SSBM Geneva Campus

Message from the President

I am excited about the journey ahead and look forward to working alongside each and every one of you to uphold these values and continue SSBM Geneva’s legacy of excellence. 

Prof. Dr. Leif Erik WollenweberPresident of SSBM Geneva

Join the SSBM Geneva Community!

I am deeply honored to address you as the new President of SSBM Geneva and embark on this journey of leadership within our esteemed institution. SSBM Geneva stands as a beacon of academic excellence, where the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Our institution has been dedicated to providing a transformative education that empowers our students to not only reach but surpass their fullest potential.

The foundation of our success lies in our commitment to nurturing an environment that fosters collaboration and inclusivity, where diversity thrives, creativity flourishes, and innovation becomes second nature.

Our distinguished faculty members, true experts in their respective fields, have always been the cornerstone of our institution. They deliver a curriculum that is both rigorous and engaging, ensuring that our students are not only prepared for their chosen careers but also equipped to lead and excel in an ever-evolving global landscape.