Our Research

Our Research

Our Research

Research @ SSBM Geneva

SSBM Geneva aims at producing theory-led, practically relevant research that addresses contemporary organisational and management challenges faced by businesses, public organisations, regulatory bodies, and policy-makers.

Our academics work at the forefront of global business research and teaching. 

Research scope

SSBM Geneva at providing a platform where academics and practitioners can present their research in the fields of business, management and integral security. Our research scope deals with new methods and methodologies for analysis, integration and implementation of business, management and integral security.

We aim at dealing with topics in the areas of business, management, finance, corporate governance, corporate securite, health security, environmental safety, human resource management, marketing, organizational behavior, organization theory, strategy, technology management, and related areas. 

With contributions from around the globe, SSBM Geneva research outputs includes empirical, conceptual and methodological knowledge across the full range of business and management disciplines.