Afterwork with Srica – Motivational Lectures!

What exactly is Afterwork with Srica? 

Afterwork with Srica is a series of nine inspiring lectures that encourage learning while socializing in a positive atmosphere after a hard day’s work. The goal is to encourage and motivate participants to adopt ideas, skills and knowledge that create success at work and in life.

​The lectures are realized in cooperation with the Swiss School of Business and Management from Geneva, one of the best business schools internationally.

Afterwork is intended for everyone who wants to be better and more successful in what they do, from managers in the highest executive positions to employees or budding entrepreneurs. You can choose an individual topic or the entire cycle, depending on your wishes and interests. Each participant receives a certificate of participation.

Lectures are held once a month, on Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00 in the premises of the SSBM campus, Veslacka 2A in Zagreb in the Croatian language. If you are not able to participate live, you can follow them via live streaming.

Who is Velimir Srica, PhD

Dr. Srića is professor of management at Zagreb University and a visiting professor at UCLA, with a PhD in IT management and an MBA from Columbia University. He has been a visiting professor at Renmin University in China and various universities in Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Dubai. He is also a program director of DELFIN (Developing Effective Leadership for Innovation), a private executive development and consulting firm. He was CEO of Croatian Institute for Informatics, Minister of Science and a member of the Government of Croatia.

He is a member of The Club of Rome and an honorary member of the Croatian Helsinki Committee. He is a Fulbright scholar and Eisenhower Fellow and was elected President of Zagreb’s city assembly. Also, he is a World Bank expert on Change Management and a member of The European Academy of Science and Art.

As a consultant, he worked with many regional companies, including Coca Cola, Fina, Gorenje, dm, Uljanik, INA, PBZ and Krka. He is a coauthor of the International Encyclopedia of Business and Management and has published more than 70 professional books and 500 articles. Other publications include a collection of poetry (Various games), strategic monograph “Croatia 2020,” a collection of political essays (From Crisis to Vision), picture book (The Small Globe’s Big Journey) and a novel (Private investigations). 


February 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Business and social trends–how to adapt and win

Afterwork #1: Business and social trends–how to adapt and win

Date and Time: February 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET

The main source of success in the dynamic world of rapid changes is good information and ability observing and predicting business and social trends.
– Ten global trends 2023 and their impact on individuals and organizations
– Technological challenges of business and social development
– Value challenges of business and social development
– Organizational challenges of business and social development
– Tips for winners

March 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Leadership – all the secrets of harmonious leadership

Afterwork #2: Leadership – all the secrets of harmonious leadership

Date and Time: March 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

Modern business systems are looking for leaders who will motivate with knowledge, personality, approach and vision associates to exceptional results.
– Recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses in leading others
– Getting to know basic leadership skills
– Leadership “inwards”; – work on yourself
– Leadership “outwards”; – work with your team
– Situational, service, principled and transformational leadership
– Analysis of examples, cases from practice and approaches of successful leaders


April 20, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: How to encourage creativity and create innovations

Afterwork #3: How to encourage creativity and create innovations

Date and Time: April 20, 2023 at 6-8 PM (CET). 

Constant and dramatic changes around us require creative solutions. Change and innovation management is becoming the main tool of every organization and every successful individual today.
• Understanding the differences between creativity and innovation
• Understanding blockages and barriers to creativity
• Methods of encouraging creative thinking and creation of innovations
• Management of changes and projects using “Design thinking”
• Communicating changes and successfully “selling ideas”
• Examples of successful innovations and creative leaders

May 11th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Improvement of interpersonal relations in companies

Afterwork #4: Improvement of interpersonal relations in companies

Date and Time: May 11th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET

Bad interpersonal relationships are the biggest source of stress and dissatisfaction at work. They create a bad working atmosphere and do more damage than bad business decisions.

• Creation and development of team spirit
• Understanding the essence of teamwork and team roles
• Flexibility and adaptability as the main sources of better cooperation
• By successfully leading and communicating to winning teams
• Solving problems and conflicts in a team environment
• Management of virtual and multicultural teams
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful organizations

June 15th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Successful sales in the digital age

Afterwork #5: Successful sales in the digital age

Date and Time: June 15th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

We live in an age of digital transformation and acceleration. Customers are well informed and connected and sales teams must be active and proactive where customers are active, and that is ONLINE!

• Sources and reasons for successful sales
• Change in behavior from a seller-customer relationship to a consultant-client relationship
• Main trends and digital sales channels and how to use them
• Successful sales on social networks and in Metaverse
• Solving problems and conflicts in the digital environment
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful organizations

September 21st, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Strategic and agile thinking leads to success

Afterwork #6: Strategic and agile thinking leads to success

Date and Time: September 21st, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

Modern entrepreneurs and managers must be “fast” or they will become “dead”. That’s why a key competitive advantage is strategic thinking and an agile approach to projects and processes in the organization.
• The importance of strategic thinking in business
• Mission, vision, strategy and values ​​as a source of competitive advantage
• Creation and development of an agile organizational culture
• Differences between agile methodology and scrum approach to project management
• TEST values ​​that create agility and decision-making speed
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful organizations


October 19th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Motivation and self-motivation

Afterwork #7: Motivation and self-motivation

Date and Time: October 19th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

Motivated people work longer and better. Self-motivation and motivation are crucial tools for creating and maintaining a winning spirit in successful organizations and teams.
• Recognizing the five foundations of successful motivation
• Using tools and methods to increase motivation
• Motivational and stimulating meeting management
• Development of a proactive organizational climate by properly expressing criticism and praise
• Strategy of apology, warning of mistakes and encouragement of self-motivation
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful organizations

November 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Increasing personal efficiency

Afterwork #8: Increasing personal efficiency

Date and Time: November 16th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

Successful individuals make good use of time, develop optimal habits, distinguish the unimportant from the important and manage priorities well and become above average efficient.
• Methods and techniques of priority management
• Time management as a source of success in making business and life decisions
• Awareness and improvement of self-efficacy and self-confidence
• Setting and choosing personal and business goals and values ​​that lead to success
• The connection between self-respect, security and the fight for one’s rights and goals
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful leaders

December 6th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET: Balance of business and private life – business and personal wisdom

Afterwork #9: Balance of business and private life – business and personal wisdom

Date and Time: December 6th, 2023 at 6-8 PM CET. 

A good balance between private and business life has become a key challenge in the business environment. Everyone today strives to be more successful and happier in both aspects of life!
• Trends and results of research on job satisfaction
• Trends and results of research on satisfaction in private life
• Sources and challenges of balance “business” – “private”
• Tips and “wisdom” that help
• Analysis of examples, theories and approaches of successful individuals