Ascend and SSBM Geneva New Partnership: Bridging Cultures, Shaping Leaders

NEWS > Ascend and SSBM Geneva New Partnership: Bridging Cultures, Shaping Leaders
NEW Partner University

In an exciting development, Ascend School of Construction Business and Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM) Geneva have officially joined forces in a groundbreaking collaboration. The partnership between Ascend and SSBM Geneva, set to elevate the global recognition and value of education, is poised to create a transformative learning experience for students.

About Ascend School of Construction Business:

Established in 2020 in Bangalore, India, Ascend School of Construction Business is at the forefront of producing world-class Techno-Managers and executives for the construction industry. With a vision to nurture young and dynamic graduates, Ascend aims to transform them into responsible leaders capable of navigating the challenges of the ever-demanding construction sector.

Statement from Prof. Dr. Leif Erik Wollenweber, President of SSBM Geneva:

I am delighted to announce a groundbreaking collaboration between SSBM Geneva and Ascend India, a synergy that transcends borders and cultures. This partnership is a blend of the Swiss and Indian culture, aiming to enrich the global recognition and value of education through the esteemed SSBM Geneva certificates. Our joint endeavor is to provide students with an extraordinary educational experience that harmoniously integrates Swiss thoroughness with the vibrant dynamism of Indian academia.

This collaboration is more than an academic partnership; it’s a cultural confluence. The merging of Swiss and Indian cultures in our educational approach will offer students a unique perspective, enhancing their global outlook and cultural intelligence. This is a celebration of diversity, excellence, and shared commitment to empowering individuals with internationally recognized certifications that mirror the highest standards of both countries’ educational ethos. I am excited about the boundless possibilities and innovations this collaboration will unfold, as we chart a new course in the world of international education.”

Statement from Mr. Niyanth Vashist, Executive Director of Ascend

We are thrilled to announce Ascend’s inaugural international collaboration with the prestigious Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM). This strategic partnership signifies a significant step towards our mission of democratizing access to top-tier, practical business education with a strong emphasis on affordability and career-focused outcomes.

Through this collaboration, our students will gain invaluable international exposure and enhance their academic depth in critical areas like business strategy, leadership, entrepreneurship, and management, specifically within the dynamic world of construction business management. They will have the unique opportunity to learn from SSBM’s esteemed faculty, attend engaging lectures, and develop high-income skills and valuable business research acumen.

We are confident that this synergistic partnership will unlock a multitude of professional doors and opportunities for our students, propelling them towards successful careers in the global marketplace. We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with SSBM and fostering a collaborative environment that empowers students to achieve their full potential.”

What Does This Collaboration Mean?

  • Cultural Confluence: The partnership aims to merge Swiss precision with the dynamic energy of Indian academia.
  • Unique Educational Experience: Students can expect an extraordinary educational experience that reflects the highest standards of both Swiss and Indian educational ethos, providing them with internationally recognized certifications.
  • Celebration of Diversity: The collaboration is a celebration of diversity, fostering an environment that encourages excellence and a shared commitment to empowering individuals in the ever-evolving global landscape.

SSBM Geneva enthusiastically looks forward to the rich cultural exchange and academic innovation that will unfold, confident that this partnership will set new benchmarks in educational excellence and prepare students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.