Mobility Week

NEWS > Mobility Week

Welcome to SSBM Geneva’s Mobility Week! We are thrilled to have you join us in exploring and learning about the vibrant city of Geneva. Our students have been having a great time so far, immersing themselves in the city’s culture and history while gaining invaluable insights into business and diplomacy.

Our week-long program is packed with exciting activities and opportunities for students to learn and grow. From visiting prestigious institutions such as UEFA and the United Nations to exploring the city’s stunning architecture and art museums, we have something for everyone. Our workshops and talks are designed to help students develop important skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication, all essential for success in today’s global business world.

At SSBM Geneva, we believe in providing students with experiential learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom. Our Mobility Week is a prime example of our commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges of the future. By participating in our program, students will gain a global perspective, network with industry professionals, and acquire the practical skills needed to succeed in their chosen careers.

If you’re ready to take your education to the next level, join us for our upcoming events and activities. Keep an eye on our website for the latest updates and information. We look forward to seeing you in Geneva!

Join us for more exciting events and learning opportunities throughout the week!