Case Study Competition! Win a 100% scholarship!

NEWS > Case Study Competition! Win a 100% scholarship!

This competition is for individuals who are motivated to write an academic paper in order to get the chance to win a 100% scholarship to ANY SSBM Geneva program of their choice!

The case study is simple and can be completed by anyone who is eager to share their new and upcoming ideas.

The rules of the competition are as follows:

  • Write a case study on Implementing artificial intelligence and virtual reality technology in online education
  • Length of paper – maximum 25 pages (please note there is no minimum amount of pages)
  • Arial font 12
  • Full name
  • Country of residency
  • Deadline for the competition is 1st April 2023

The case study will be evaluated on the layout of the paper,  its content, critical thinking, creativity and relevance to implementation.

Please email your case study paper to:

SSBM Geneva will announce the winner 15th April 2023!

*Please note this competition is to prospective students ONLY and to SSBM Geneva students who are looking to enroll into a NEW program. For example, a SSBM Geneva bachelor student looking to do an MBA.