Educational Disruption to Student Satisfaction

Blog > Educational Disruption to Student Satisfaction
Knowledge and information have never been easier to reach.

Imagine the future in which one may connect within a couple of clicks to the very best experts in any topic, regardless of the distance. This is already happening and it is drastically changing the way we learn, not necessarily for the worse. Knowledge and information have never been easier to reach, therefore, the importance of critical thinking and creating relations among them has increased. It has been a strange year – redefining the way we live, work and study. Except from regular lectures, we all took part in an additional one – the lesson on learning. We needed to better understand how we learn, question the status-quo and understand well-established educational practices. Pushing our limits may have been initially unpleasant since as humans we are hesitant to facing the unknown, but long-lastingly it certainly is a rewarding and life-changing experience. 

The pandemic only intensified the digitalization that has been happening for years before. Those who recognized it as relevant earlier and game-changing, created a massive competitive advantage. Whereas some educational institutions failed and refused to adapt, others seem to thrive under the novel circumstances. Acceptance of reality is crucial to maintain relevance, not only to recognize the needed change – but also to lead one.

Distance learning accelerated change, and triggered innovation worldwide.

Distance learning accelerated change, and triggered innovation worldwide. Also, public-private partnerships grew in importance with one common goal– to keep the standards up and provide everyone with access to fundamental rights to education. Holistic and hybrid models of learning are occurring, combining an online and offline experience together. Blended forms of learning, if used smartly enough, can take the very best from both the online and offline modality of study. Students may now personalize and adjust what they investigate, according to their unique needs. It makes the studying process more effective indeed, creating the ability for everyone to perform their duties at their most convenient times, combining it more easily with some other family or work-related activities.