Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Embark on an engaging and interactive journey with our “Crisis Management” bootcamp course, taking place in the vibrant city of Geneva, Switzerland. This transformative program is designed to immerse participants in a comprehensive learning experience, combining theory, practical models, and crisis simulations. Over the course of two days, you will gain a deep understanding of cognitive biases in crisis situations, learn how to adopt the right mindset and coping mechanisms when faced with high stakes, and develop the skills to effectively manage and communicate during challenging business scenarios.

Join us in the captivating city of Geneva, Switzerland, for an immersive course on Crisis Management. Discover the perfect blend of stunning natural landscapes, rich history, and renowned hospitality, all while expanding your knowledge and skills in effectively navigating and responding to crises. Experience the allure of Geneva as you engage in transformative learning, surrounded by a vibrant international community of professionals eager to enhance their crisis management expertise.

Understanding the essence of positioning. 


Through real case studies and managerial work tools, by the end of the course the student will have worked on:


Crisis management is the strategic process of anticipating, preparing for, and mitigating the impact of potential crises that may threaten an organization’s reputation, operations, or stakeholders. It involves swift decision-making, effective communication, and the implementation of structured plans to navigate and recover from crisis situations while minimizing damage and restoring confidence in the organization.


Understand how to assess potential risks and vulnerabilities within an organization, as well as develop risk mitigation plans and protocols to prevent or minimize the impact of crises.


Crisis management boot camp provides you with a comprehensive understanding of crisis management principles, best practices, and practical skills needed to navigate and mitigate the impact of crises effectively.

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    Delivery Method:



    04.09. – 05.09.2023.
    20.11. – 21.11.2023.
    27.11. – 29.11.2023.

    Included in fees:


    -Coffee/Tea/Water during the breaks

    Fee: 600 EUR