Digital Transformation and Strategic Leadership Executive Week

Executive Education > Executive Education Programs > Digital Transformation Course

Digital Transformation and Strategic Leadership Executive Week

The “disruption” phenomenon that markets are experiencing in recent years has  a  direct impact on the evolution of  society  starting from the technological sphere and entering economic and social realities.  The  impact  of the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the process, fostering a maturation/awareness of the current condition as never before.

In the corporate world, the impact has been strong and noticeable. And, as a consequence of the various changes that have taken place, companies today need to identify new ways of competing and creating value: they must organize according to new logics and organization models.


This is Digital Transformation, a keyword that can be found on every strategic memo of every firm, now focused on migrating process  towards technology.

This shift requires a mental change first of all, implying new leadership skills and attitudes.

“Any company designed to succeed in the 20th century is doomed to fail in the 21st.”

David Rose

The ExO – Exponential Organization  model  is an empirically  relevant  alternative  to disruption and represents a credible and effective response to the challenges of the VUCA (volatile, ambiguous, uncertain) world. Drawn from an analysis of major digital technology platforms such as  Google,  Spotify or Airbnb, ExO is being used by a growing number of traditional companies such as P&G, Visa, Stanley Black&Decker in their strategy to adapt and respond to the challenges of disruption. This implies focusing on Customers, Competition Data, innovation and Value creation.

Applying Exponential Transformation means acting in parallel on both the Core business of the enterprise as well as the Edge dimension, exploring the periphery of the industry.

In both environments, it is the potential of technology in its creative forms that provides the opportunities for exponential growth: businesses have the responsibility to exploit them by acquiring a new vision.

Mindset, Knowledge and Exponential Skills are the three pillars to build the Leadership of the next generation of organizations.

The course is dedicated to those who want to learn how to lead the disruption by exploiting exponential technologies and transforming their business for the competitive challenges of the future.

Understanding the essence of positioning. 


Through real case studies and managerial work tools, by the end of the course the student will have worked on:


Understanding the importance of exponential thinking in the digital paradigm as opposed to linear thinking, which has accompanied the development of society to date but is no longer sufficient.


Knowing the structure of an Exponential Organization and the application of its ten plus one attributes i.e. how Exponential Organizations create value by exploiting the potential of exponential technologies through new organizational models.


Learn how to apply models and tools to implement an Exponential Transformation in your company, assessing its feasibility with respect to your business/industry and reorganizing it to take advantage of resources and opportunities that exponential technologies reveal.

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    Delivery Method:



    24.05. – 26.05.2023.
    05.09. – 07.09.2023.

    Included in fees:


    – 1 Industrial Visit

    -3 lunches (main course, dessert, soft drink)

    -Coffee/Tea/Water during the breaks

    Fee: 600 EUR

    500 EUR for SSBM Geneva students