Daniel Lenardic, PhD

Daniel Lenardić, PhD


Daniel Lenardić, born in Vienna, Austria, holds PhD, MSc and BSc degrees in Computer Engineering from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Zagreb. He also holds an MBA degree from the University of Edinburgh Business School and the Ecole des Ponts Business School, one of the Grande Ecole schools in Paris, France.

Daniel is a partner at the consulting firm KPMG in Croatia, where he leads the Management Consulting services practice, with over 20 years of experience supporting consumer focused organisations (banking, insurance, telecoms, utilities, FMCG and retail) across the Central Europe region, delivering engagements in the areas of data analytics driven business planning and modeling, organisational redesign and operational performance improvement, as well as digital transformation support in terms of IT architectures and systems design and implementation support.

Prior to joining KPMG in early 2001, he was an IT Architect and Project Manager for various clients in the financial services (banking, insurance, payment processing) and telecommunications service providers sectors.

Daniel is a frequent visiting speaker at graduate level business school courses and MBA programmes, client conferences and events, as well as KPMG internal training courses.