SDG Goal #13 Climate action

Goal #13 Climate action

Sustainable Transportation at SSBM Geneva

Transportation plays a pivotal role in our organizational functioning, as it is integral to our daily operations, encompassing commuting to and traversing between our campuses. The imperative to adopt non-polluting,
low-carbon, and zero-carbon transportation methods is paramount, not only to minimize our environmental
footprint but also to prioritize the well-being of the communities we are dedicated to serving. Our commitment to sustainable transportation is encapsulated in the following principles, objectives, actions, and associated benefits.


Our aim is to mitigate the environmental repercussions stemming from all forms of transportation activities  associated with SSBM Geneva. This encompasses commuting, the operation of our fleet, and business-related travel, as we strive to minimize our ecological footprint


1. Develop and implement a comprehensive Travel Plan that encompasses all university campuses, covering
commuting, operational fleet, and business travel.
2. Support sustainable travel infrastructure in new builds and refurbishment projects, ensuring integration with the city’s transport networks.
3. Minimize environmental impacts related to operational fleet transport and staff business travel, including air