SSBM New Zagreb Campus!

NEWS > SSBM New Zagreb Campus!

On Saturday 24th September, SSBM Geneva held the opening celebration of our new Zagreb campus!
Professors, alumni, and students, designers, the construction project team as well as SSBM staff came to celebrate the event!

Lecturers and classes have already been held at the new campus and we hope to hold many more events on this great space! This campus represents a space for learning, research and publications and all other educational services.

Motivated and inspired by the high-quality standards from Switzerland, the modern industrial design of the campus is conceived in such a way that it provides students and all attendees with the highest level of education and comfort!

This space is not only for education and networking but also a great place to relax and meet other like-minded-people. Before and after classes students, professors and staff are always welcome to grab a coffee or a quick snack in our canteen, read and relax in our lounges on both floors of the campus. We hope that students feel at home on the new campus!

Thank you all for attending and see you on our Zagreb campus😊

Take a look at our new Zagreb campus below!