
Which gended is better
So which gender is better: men or women ? This question raises several other questions that mostly relate to understanding a complex interplay in the relationship between men and women. Are men better leaders than women? Who makes the decisions at home? Who is happier in life? etc. These are just some of the never...
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ChatGPT in Education: Risks of the AI powered technology Will AI powered technology ChaptGPT kill education as we know it? Killing education is probably not something that is likely to happen but disruption that we are witnessing recently will for sure disrupt education for good. ChatGPT, power by AI technology, will disrupt education as we...
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, education has significantly changed. The global pandemic has drastically changed the way students are learning worldwide and thus distinctive online learning has taken place. Students from all around the world have suddenly shifted from classroom learning to online learning and some are even wondering whether such change will continue even...
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