May 2023


Ready to unlock your potential at SSBM Geneva? Join our community of ambitious students from around the world! Never stop learning, embrace knowledgeExplore global business trends and strategiesFoster creativity and entrepreneurial spiritDevelop leadership skills to make an impactUnleash your potential and achieve greatness At SSBM Geneva, we believe in empowering students to become future business...
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At SSBM Geneva, we firmly believe in the power of excellence and the importance of cultivating key behaviors that align with our core values. As the Leadership class comes to a close, it becomes evident how these values of leading wisely, being bold, driving quality, and respecting differences are deeply intertwined with the subject of...
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SSBM Geneva’s International Business Diplomacy Boot Camp recently organized an industrial/NGO visit, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to share our experience with you all! Our students had the incredible opportunity to explore the inner workings of prominent organizations, and one of the highlights was our visit to the World Trade Organization (WTO). During this...
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SSBM Geneva just wrapped up an incredible DBA immersion program on our Geneva campus and it was a roaring success! Our classrooms were filled to the brim with enthusiastic students, eager to soak up all the knowledge, insights and expertise shared during the program. A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) represents the pinnacle of achievement...
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We are thrilled to share with you the incredible moments from our recent Graduation Ceremony at SSBM Geneva! 🎉🎓✨ At SSBM Geneva, our students are always at the heart of everything we do. It is with great joy that we witness the culmination of their hard work and dedication, as they take their next steps...
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Exciting news from Bruno Erceg, a proud graduate of the MBA program in Zagreb! Here’s what he has to say about his experience at SSBM Geneva: “I was looking for a business school to further my education and enable me to apply the knowledge I’ve acquired in practice. Since I wanted to attend live lectures...
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Yesterday marked the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to embrace the richness and beauty of our diverse community here at SSBM Geneva! In a world where differences can sometimes divide us, it’s essential to remember that true strength lies in our ability to come together,...
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Celebrating Unity and Growth: SSBM Geneva’s Remarkable Team Building Event! Our recent team-building event in Geneva was an unforgettable experience for the SSBM Geneva community. The SSBM Geneva team focused on our values and behaviors as a whole. Whether we have staff in the Geneva or Zagreb office, we are one team! We came together,...
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Attention all aspiring business masters! SSBM Geneva has got a power-up deal for you: MBA Month! Unlock your full potential with our cutting-edge Online MBA programs, and level up your career game! Join our virtual classroom and embark on an epic adventure towards becoming a business champion. We’re offering a great offer prices with 20%...
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Article done by prof of SSBM Geneva Dario Silic, PhD It is with great pleasure that we announce that Dario Silic, PhD, Professor of Financial Management at SSBM Geneva, recently visited Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, also known as the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse in German, is one of the largest and most important stock...
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