May 2022


This week Prof. Benoît Pasquier LL.M. held the Professional Football Leagues & the EL – Mission, Structure and Main activities. Students learned many new skills and got a great insight into the difference between the European League of Football and the Professional Football Leagues based in the U.S. Their general activities as well as mission and structure...
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Listen to alumna Ivana Halec talk about her experience at SSBM Geneva. Ivana, we wish you all the best in your future career!
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The Strategic Risk Management course has finished. Well done to all our MBA program students! This course is an elective course for our MBA students and it is held in Zagreb. Thank you to Professor Dražen Rajaković who holds this class at the Zagreb campus. Professor Dražen Rajaković has more than 20 years of professional...
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SSBM Geneva held the final class for the Valuation and M&A for the Finance MBA. Valuation for M&A course lays out the steps for measuring and managing value creation in non-publicly traded entities. It also allows students to learn about how investors, executives, and their advisors determine the optimum strategy to enhance both market value and...
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The Master in International Sports Law is designed with the objective to provide you with latest and most updated knowledge and expertise of both the academic and practical insights of the unique and fascinating field of Law applied to the Sports industry and the Sports Activity. Get to know the Master in International Sports Law Prof. Ulrich Haas, who is an attorney in Hamburg and...
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Don’t miss out on on obtaining one of our 12 MBA program scholarships. Apply and you can receive one of the following scholarships: 2 Full Scholarship with 100% reduction of the total tuition fees5 scholarships with 50% reduction of the total tuition fees for the MBA program at Zagreb campus program5 scholarships with 30% reduction of...
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At SSBM Geneva we have students enrolled from all over the world. We believe that this diversity adds great value to all classes, programs and organizations as a whole. Currently we are hosting many students that are visiting from India for their DBA program. This immersion program really allows students to experience quality lectures in...
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The Swiss School of Business and Management hosted a graduation ceremony for the Zagreb MBA generation of 2020/2021. Additional speeches were held by prof Velimir Srića, prof Alex Ekow Asampong and prof Pilar Cabral Majerović whom we would like to thank once again for their contribution to the school. We hope that our alumni successfully continue with their education...
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SSBM Geneva had the pleasure of hosting prof. Asampong, who kindly came from the Netherlands to lecture our Cross Cultural Management course. This course was extremely dynamic and interactive. Students learned how cross cultural management plays a significant role in International Business because of the globalization and internationalization of companies. Culture influences international business in...
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SSBM Geneva signs agreement with EBSCO, the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e0books and discovery service for academic libraries. SSBM Geneva is delighted to offer to its students one of the largest research database provider in the world, offering premium scholarly, full-text business database.Through SSBM Connect, SSBM Geneva students will now have access to...
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